Favorite Cardio Activities

  • Biking
  • Rollerblading
  • Spinning

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Gotta love that blog title.

I've been eating cleaner (not totally clean but cleaner) since March 1st. I started adding a little bread and some 'treats' now and then but in all honesty, they're not making me feel good. They make me feel gross, stuffed, bloated, sick, full, nasty and most importantly, guilty. As if what I did took me off path...took me farther away from my target. So I've cut back on the additions. Instead, I'm working on having some whole grains and a little fruit before 3 PM. This way I get what it is I'm looking for but not late enough in the day to feel I've screwed myself.

I am adding more fruit each day. Not a lot. Just enough to give me a fix, so to speak and to keep my carbs balanced. Initially I looked at fruit as a sugar but I'm keeping it to berries and fruits that take longer to digest, not bananas and the like. So far, I'm mostly adding berries but there's a kiwi in my fridge calling my name right now. Too bad it's after 3 PM. Eight minutes after but still, after.

I'm working towards losing a pound a week now. We head to Costa Rica in October and I'd like to lose 20 more though I really don't need to lose that much. I figure if I keep up with what I'm doing, adding my work outs to the mix, and mixing them up, I should have no problem with a pound a week. Right now I'm shooting towards 500 calories burned a day through exercise. (Today I burned 733) and if I don't do it, I at least have the reduction in food to help me get there. I'm considering the calorie loss through my new eating habits as a bonus and not in the weight loss equation.

So far, so good. I'm motivated and feel good about it. Have been for over two months now so I feel like the 'me' I used to know and used to be, is back.

Can't complain about that. I sort of liked having her around.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! You can already "hear" the difference in your posting. More feistiness and energy. Before I got pregnant, I liked to use this website: http://www.nutrimirror.com/ to track my intake and exercise. It tapped into my competitive streak and turned the whole exercise/good eating into a contest of sorts. Keep up the awesome work!
