Favorite Cardio Activities

  • Biking
  • Rollerblading
  • Spinning

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Revelation of Sorts...

Ever had one of those light bulbs go off over top of your head? Okay, I'm talking figuratively, not in the literal sense. I've had a few and though most haven't been life-altering, some have certainly come close. Take the most recent one. It hit home more like a brick to the head instead of a light bulb above it but I think that was my higher power trying to make a point.

For years I have said "I'm prepared for my parents to die" and I meant it. I truly believed that and still do. Both mom and dad have never taken great care of themselves and I firmly believe that had it not been for my (step)mother, my father would already be gone. Truth be told, I never thought my mother would beat him to Heaven. Their ill health and lack of desire to improve it have kept me reality based. I knew they would die at some point. Everything dies. Isn't that something we learn at some point in our childhood? So yes, I was completely prepared for my mother's death. What I was not prepared for however, was my mother to be dead. There's the light bulb moment.

Make sense?

My point is that I was ready for her to physically pass. I didn't want her to be in pain and I didn't want her to suffer, even just a little. I know she didn't want to so I accepted her decision not to fight her cancer (it wouldn't have mattered anyway)and did what I could to keep her comfortable in her last months. I was with her as she literally took her last breath and I knew it was her last. I could feel it in my bones.

Looking back, all of that was the easy part. The hard part is the now. The time after the dying. The dead part. I was not and am still not prepared for my mother to be dead.

I don't know exactly what I was thinking through her last few months because I know I didn't want her to die and I did think about what it would be like when she was gone but the problem with that is you can't really know. You think you know but you don't. So now I spend my days doing whatever it is I have to do with this huge monkey on my back. My mom is dead. Gone. Forever. And while I believe in Heaven and I feel, in my heart of hearts that I will see her again, I struggle with the "what if?" of it all. I was not prepared for her to be dead.

I wasn't prepared for the empty, lonely feeling one has when they go to pick up the phone to call their mom and realize they can't. I wasn't prepared for packing up her clothes for Goodwill and not being able to smell her because I'm so damn anal retentive and washed her clothes all of the time. I wasn't prepared to be fine one minute and a crumbled, emotional wreck the next.

I wasn't prepared for most everyone to not understand. I wasn't prepared for my husband to have the need to fix things and make me instantly better. Though truthfully, I should have expected that. I wasn't prepared to have to talk about this on other people's terms because honestly, death is ugly and people don't really want to know how you're feeling. They ask to feel good about themselves but they don't want the truth. As Jack Nicholas says, "You can't handle the truth". It's true. Unless you have lost a parent or someone at that level of closeness to you, you cannot possible understand. Sure, you think you can but you can't. Someday you will but don't pretend because us grievers, we can see through it. We're in the know and you simply aren't. Thanks for trying but a simple, "I'm sorry" is much better than anything else you can say.

I wasn't prepared for the realization that I will spend probably more than half of my life without my mom. Today I spoke to a friend whose mother died last year. She's 60 years old and said, "I know I should feel lucky that I had my mom for 60 years but I don't. It wasn't enough time." You can never have enough time with the people you love. I suspect we'll all feel cheated each time someone we love dies. It's the way our hearts work, I guess.

I've spent the last month and a half not interested in a whole lot of anything. For several years I used a lot of emotional and physical energy to care for my mom and now I have this huge empty space and honestly, I don't know what the hell to do with it. Most everything that used to be important to me, isn't now. My 60 year old friend told me today it will be again and that it just takes time. She said to cut myself some slack but I've never been good at that.

I know my mother wouldn't want me to feel this way but really, when have I truly done what my mom wanted? Why change now, you know? I don't want to shock her or anything! Personally, I don't want to feel this way either and have been smacking myself in the head trying to figure out how to move forward but I'm not sure it's something I can make happen. I think it's a process and I have to work through it. I do know that I have to force myself to do things, like exercise and stop eating everything I see. I feel better when I exercise and I berate myself for not eating properly so having these things not going how they should just makes things harder. I keep telling myself I'll work on them, tomorrow. Yet tomorrow comes and I sit and try to figure out who I am now that I'm Carolyn-without-a-mom. I don't like it and I'm really sick of feeling this way. Tomorrow I will start to do right by myself. Or so I say.

I have learned that while 'death' itself is a process and an experience, in this case, it's not mine, it's my mom's. She died. Her death is about her and not about what it has done or is doing to me. She owns it and she's gone from this place to another and I'm pretty sure she's all right with that. I'm not angry and I'm not bitter. I haven't felt the resentment some feel and I haven't bargained for her to 'return' or to feel better. Again, it would require me to give a rats butt and I just don't much care about anything. But while her dying is about her, her being dead is about me and that is something I have to find a way to accept. Though accept might not be the right word. I accept that she is dead. Hard not to accept the obvious, right? I just have to learn to live with the obvious. It's a different life for me and as with anything new, I'm still trying to work my way through it.

When I get to where ever it is I'm supposed to get, if I do, I'll let you know.

A Poem About Gaining Weight

I've been gaining weight. That's what happens when you eat large amounts of food and don't exercise. I actually enjoy exercising but since my mom passed, I just haven't felt like doing any of the things that were important to me before. Except eating, of course. Eating is more important to me than it used to be.

The good news is that I've figured out what I'm doing and I've not gained THAT much weight that I can't fix the problem. The bad news is that I still just don't give a crap enough to do what I need to do.

See my problem?

I've thought about major full-body lipo but that's quite costly and with my husband starting a new business, probably not the smartest decision. I've prayed for thin thighs and then I gained four pounds. Really? I'm sure there's a message in there somewhere but I fail to see it right now.

I've given myself until Monday. On Monday if my lazy butt isn't back at the gym on a regular basis and if my mouth isn't closed past 1400 calories (yes, that number is correct, keep your panties on) then I'm going to duct tape it shut and lock myself in my gym overnight.

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

In light of my weight gain, I searched online for weight gain poems. I found one I enjoyed by Barbara Warnock. I'm copying it here because it's a joy to read.

Hopefully Monday you'll read a post about my wonderful work out and how sore I am.

Here's Barbara's poem.

"I'll start a new one Monday", we've heard it all before,
but if I don't really start one soon I won't make it through the door.

I start with good intentions of that I can't deny,
I'm getting fatter by the hour, I'll really have to try.

So no more chips or chocolate, no more 'pigging out'
I'll be very careful of what I eat, of that there'll be no doubt.

I'll watch my waist get tiny, I'll watch my figure thin,
Oh what a joy it's going to be to at last be nice and slim.

I can see me walking down the street in dress size number ten,
(from Carolyn: NOOOO!!! 4!)
I just have to resist and resist I will when I get a hungry yen.

With exercise in every form and regular daily jogs,
you'll see me lazing by the pool in my top designer togs.

So come join me all you tubbies, come join with me at last,
I'll need all the help that I can get to get me through this fast.

If you see me eating lollies or sneaking greasy fries,
then smack my hand and click your tongue, remind me of my size.

I'm sure that I can make it, I just need a little space
before Monday comes around again, till then I'll "stuff my face"!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Health Insurance Doesn't Cover Stupid

Just one of those silly FB and email things...


What is your salad dressing of choice?
Balsamic Vinegarette

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?

What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?

What is your favorite pizza toppings?
Green pepper, black olives, crumbled sausage, tomatoes, spinach

What do you like to put on your toast?
Smuckers Mixed Fruit Jelly which they only sell in those little packets anymore and that really yanks my chain.


How many televisions are in your house?
Currently hooked up to cable: 4
Currently in use for VCR only: 1
Currently in the house but not in use though still working: 2

What color is your cellphone?
Black with a blue case

Do you have an iPod?
Yes, an I-touch. Best invention ever.


Are you right-handed or left-handed?

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
a baby, scar tissue, cysts

What is the last heavy item you lifted?
bags of my mother's clothes

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
Briefly when my dog dragged me out of the vet and I hit a pole with my not so hard head.


If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Foxy Roxy.

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
No. The hospital bill would be more expensive and health insurance doesn't cover stupid.



Doesn't really matter

Day of the week?
Monday when the kids go back to school

Who cares.


Missing someone?
Yes, many people like my parents in Indy but mostly my mom who I won't see again for a very long time.

Varies often due to increasing PMS

What are you listening to?
The ceiling fan

Current worry?
If my husband's company will ever make money and if we can survive without it not making money for much longer.

First place you went this morning?
Downstairs to steam clean dog puke.

What's the last movie you saw?
The Ugly Truth


How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
None. I don't wear them. I hate having something between my toes. Ew.

Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
We got pulled over coming back from my mom's memorial service and when he asked my husband where we were coming back from and we told him, he said, "Drive safely". Nice cop.

Last person you talked to?
My daughter Morgan who is making me nutty right now.

Last person you hugged?
My husband before he went to dinner at a place I like but he didn't ask me to go. Bastard. :)

Do you always answer your phone?
No, usually never.

It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Someone drunk texting the wrong number!

If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I like my eye color. It's a pretty blue.

Do you own a digital camera?

Have you ever had a pet fish?
Several but my husband boiled the last few on accident.

Favorite Christmas song(s)?
Yikes. I hate Christmas songs.

What's on your wish list for your birthday?
Thin thighs.

Can you do push ups?
Yup but I don't like to.

Can you do the splits?
I haven't in some time but I could again, I'm sure. Though I don't know if I could GET UP from them.

Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
excited and nervous

Do you have any saved texts?
I did but not on this phone. I saved the ones where my husband says he loves me without me saying it first. Sad, I know.

Have you ever been in a car accident?

Do you have an accent?
Of course, to foreigners I do.

What is the last movie to make you cry?
Marley & Me.

Plans tonight?
Hide from everyone.

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Repeatedly based on different circumstances.

Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
Coffee, a morning bun, a water.

Have you ever been given roses?

Met someone who changed your life?
Yes, my husband.

What song represents you?
Right Now by Van Halen. Or at least I'd like it ot.

Name two people who might complete this?
No one. No one reads my blog.

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Yes, to spend the last year of my mom's life with her doing things differently.

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Several people.

Do you have any tattoos/piercings?
5 ear piercings, 1 belly button piercing and 1 tattoo.

Does anyone love you?
I'd like to think they do.

Would you be a pirate?

What songs do you sing in the shower?
Journey or BoDeans.

Ever had someone sing to you?

When did you last cry?
Today, while packing up my mother's things.

Do you like to cuddle?

Have you held hands with anyone today?

Who was the last person you took a picture of?
My husband.

Are most of the friends in your life new or old?

Do you like pulpy orange juice?

What is something your friends make fun of you for?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dead is Dead

I have experienced death up close, personally. Not personally in the sense of some white light beckoning me or my spirit floating above my body only to be shocked back via some electric current. I’ve experienced death as a bystander. In reality, the bystander side seems like it’s probably worse. We’re left here to deal with death and its ugliness.

I literally watched my mother die. I curled my body into hers as she lay dying and watched her breathing go from rapid and labored to slow and infrequent and then just stop. People have expressed sadness at not being there when a loved one passed but I was there and there was nothing beautiful or peaceful about it. She didn’t look at peace. She didn’t look asleep. She just looked dead. And I felt dead. If I knew...if I felt she was ‘there’ before it happened...if I felt maybe she could hear what my brother and I were saying to her I might feel some sense of relief but I think she was gone already. Her body focused solely on her most important organs, not interested in anything other than basic survival and when that became too much, she just stopped being. It didn’t provide me with any consolation prize...any relief. Dead is dead.

I have always believed in an afterlife and I still do. I believe there is a God and my God has a Son who died for me and everyone else who has accepted him into their lives. This isn’t a question for me. It just is. Maybe I don’t always get what it means but it’s sort of like taxes. It is what it is and I accept it. I have also always believed that those who have died can somehow still communicate, be near or keep tabs on their loved ones still here. I’ve had experiences that have led me to believe this to be true. I never questioned it. Again, it’s one of those things that just is.

My mother and I often talked of her passing. I could talk easily of it because it wasn’t real. Once it became real, just thinking the words choked me up so saying them was impossible. But we had an agreement. She promised she would let me know she’s okay and I felt it was a sure thing, that once she was gone she’d find a way uniquely her own, to tell me she made it, was safe, happy, healthy or whatever and I’d know. I’d know she was where she was supposed to be.

It’s been a month now and I’m still waiting. I don’t question where she is. Her heart was golden and I believe she deserves Heaven and its glory and I’m sure she’s there living it up with those she loves who left before her. That isn’t my concern. What’s so upsetting to me is that I haven’t had my sign. Yes, shortly after she died I saw a lovely heart cloud pass over me but really, a cloud can be shaped like anything and that just wasn’t obvious enough for me. I was hoping for something more substantial. Something personal and something uniquely mom. I thought I’d dream of her. Nada. I got nothing. No dreams. No cold air on the back of my neck. No doors opening or pictures moving. No scent of her. Nothing. Dead is dead.

My whole belief system is shaken and stirred. What if she can’t contact me? What if that concept is just a pile of crap thrown upon us grievers to make us feel better? I’m beginning to wonder. Let’s face the facts. If you are a Christian and believe in Heaven and that it is truly what we’re taught, then truthfully, why would anyone in their right minds want to come back and even peek into the reality of earth? Seriously. Yes, they care for us and they love us but from what I understand once they’re gone they don’t have any care for earthly matters. And I’m starting to think that includes us. Not that we’re not still loved but that they see things differently and understand what we cannot possibly understand so they move on and know that eventually we will too, or not.

I hate that.

For me that means my mother is gone. She’s not ‘still with me’. She’s not ‘watching over me’. She’s just gone. Dead is dead. This theory is beginning to take shape in my heart because I don’t feel her. I don’t feel her around me. I don’t feel her inside me. I don’t feel like she’s still here, in my heart. I just feel like she’s dead. I feel this empty space deep within my soul and there’s no spirit floating around waiting for the right time to enter and fill me with peace.

Some people say I’m too involved in my grief to feel her. That I will, once I’m adjusted. Really? Listen people, the thing about death that really sucks is that life goes on. Every day happens whether you want it to or not. Whether I feel like getting up and facing the day, it’s there and I can’t just sit and dwell on the fact that my mother is gone. It is what it is and while I’m sad and I miss her, I’m really just pissed off. And not at the fact that she died. I’m pissed off because I thought I’d still feel her...that she’d ‘always be with me’ even though she was gone. I don’t. Dead is dead.

Maybe eventually I’ll feel differently about it. Maybe I’m in the middle of some step of the grieving process and tomorrow I’ll progress to the next step. Who knows? I’m not reading up on it. I don’t want to plan out my grieving. It is what it is and I just have to work with what I’ve got which sadly, right now, is nothing.

I know I’ll work through this and for the most part, I’ve come to accept the fact that my mother died and isn’t here. I still talk to her because on the off chance that she can hear me, I don’t want the backlash when I see her again because I didn’t talk to her. Heaven may be a wonderful place but God has no power over a pissed off mother. That’s one thing I’m sure of.