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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Sometimes things happen that you never imagined could. Sometimes you realize something you thought was one thing is actually something else. What do you do when that happens? You process. Or at least that's what I do. Right now I'm processing things and refocusing my thoughts in a new direction. I'm not strongly opposed to change but admittedly, I'd prefer things stay the same, as long as 'the same' isn't bad. Unfortunately sometimes things change and there's just nothing to be done but go with the flow and move forward. I guess you can move backward or even try to fight the change but what's the point? It's coming head on regardless of what you do and you just have to push through it until it's the new normal.

Nothing in life is ever guaranteed. I believe with the utmost certainly, the only unconditional love (religious beliefs aside) is the love of a parent to a child. And honestly, there are some who aren't even capable of that. Love in any other form isn't a sure thing and can change with the blink of an eye. Sometimes the change means growth and other times it's a death sentence. That's just life. I recently realized that since my parents are both dead, I no longer have that unconditional love and it was a humbling thought. It made me realize that the love I do have from people is fragile and must be treated with kindness. Not that I always take advantage of those I love and who love me but let's face it, it happens to all of us.

I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say here. Well, yeah, I am but I just don't know if this is the right place to say it, actually. I guess the point is that life is full of change and expectations are not always met and faith is not always restored but it is what it is and if we go with it, most of the time it works out for the best, whatever that may be. Or at least I hope it does.

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