Favorite Cardio Activities

  • Biking
  • Rollerblading
  • Spinning

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

29 Days Refined Carb and Sugar Free!

Things I'm doing:

1. Busting my big, fat, Italian beeeeehind at the gym six days a week.

2. Not eating anything with chocolate, whipped cream, icing or anything sugary and fattening. Damn it.

3. Eating more protein and veggies than any sane person should.

4. Craving 0 fat plain Greek yogurt. With a tad bit of cinnamon.

5. Reading a book every two days (to keep my mind of of eating the stuff mentioned in #2.)

6. Kicking up my cardio an additional 15 minutes to an hour instead of 45 minutes a day.

7. Switching up my weight training from lighter weights and higher reps to heavier weights and lower reps. (which by the way, has made my butt hurt a whole heck of a lot!)

8. Getting up when I get up, heading to Starbucks and then straight to the gym so I don't sit at home and decide not to go.

9. Losing weight but not weighing myself anymore because the scale is an evil alien designed to screw with my head.

So far, so good. Five months until Costa Rica. 20 lbs (I will weigh again, eventually) should be no problem!

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